Character PAGES!!!

Posted in Uncategorized on February 26, 2011 by stardollinspired

Im going to change the character pages such as the new character pages will belike …………………………

C =Emmett Cullen

C =Rosalie Hale

P.S They should bed one soon!! Hopefullyxxx


Posted in Uncategorized on February 26, 2011 by stardollinspired

Sorry, I hav not updated in while i totally forgot about this i had work e.t.cand some big stuffgoin on but now im back thanx to my mate hetpiglet hha :);)


Posted in Uncategorized on July 30, 2010 by stardollinspired

Hi!, you need to check out the quiz pages including which character are you and  which one your most likely to go out with!!! (male) including Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Jasper, the quilettes and ofcause the humans!.

Please you need to check them out!!!

Check out!

Posted in Uncategorized on June 26, 2010 by stardollinspired

You must check out the new make-up pages! They’re so great!


Posted in Uncategorized on June 13, 2010 by stardollinspired

Have you seen the new Group pages theres the Volturi,The Quilette Tribe, Denali’s and loads more from breaking dawn too.  Please have a look at these!!!!


Posted in Uncategorized on April 24, 2010 by stardollinspired

Quick check out the new couple pages and see what out of 10 the realation ship got              alice and jasper just done

Twilight Promo Cards

Posted in Uncategorized on April 24, 2010 by stardollinspired

The twilight promo cards are now out are they cool or what and don’t you dare say or what!!!!
Theres edward, alice, bella even the vampires in voltury!


Posted in Uncategorized on April 21, 2010 by stardollinspired

It’s officail the new movie eclipse is now out in cinema can u wait well can u i defonatly can’t
sso xox


Posted in Uncategorized on April 18, 2010 by stardollinspired

Sorrry everyone blog roll not working so instead comment on this wel technicly he next post so you can try on either twilights no.1 fan or which family or your fave character (take note that there will be 3 new quiz’s a day)

quick check out

Posted in Uncategorized on April 18, 2010 by stardollinspired

Quick check the new chaacter pages their great you should check them out,

try the new polls, anything who’s your fave character.