Couples : Bella and Edward

Bella And Edward


They have an undying love for each other even before she was a vampire!They even got married.

They’ve got 1o/1o, for being the best couple ever!!!!!!!!!!

Why they are the number 1 couple!

  • He stayed with her on her undying pain through pregnancy!
  • They got married !
  • Edward  did’nt  want bella to change into a vampire, so she could stay her normal self!

They are one of the greatest couples though they have only been together for a short period of time, but from the start they liked each other though found each other annoying.     Having a child made there realationship stronger!Even when he left her (so she could have a normal life,but that did’nt work)they could’nt stop thinking about each other and in NEWMOON edward realised what he was doing and was going to come back, but instead he miss heared second hand that Bella had died, so was willing to die(second time) for her(but before could Bella saved him).

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