Quiz:Who’s your favourite Character (from newmoon & twilight0

A. Edward Cullen: The vampire heartthrob other wise none as the lion as in the lion fell inlove with the lamb.

B.Bella Swan: The girl that fell inlove with the vampire in other words the Lamb. But who will she go for the warewolf or the vampire.

C.JACOB Black: The warewolf who fell inlove with the lamb but rejected. Ended up falling inlove with the immortal child.

D.Jasper Hale: The man who fell  inlove with alice cullen, but could’nt help himself for bella’s blood.

E.Alice Cullen: the vampire who can see into the future becomes great friends with Bella and adopted brother edward.

F. Emmett Cullen: Is not much for Bella in the first but grows on her as the series goes thorough. Also the husband of Rosalie.

G.Rosalie Hale: beleived to be related to jasper.Wife of Emmett Cullen. Does not like bella in first but she grows on her as the series goes through  and end’s up being renesme’s godmother.


For more information on the characters look on the characters page, also put your answer on the comments below

One Response to “Quiz:Who’s your favourite Character (from newmoon & twilight0”

  1. I love Rosalie Cullen but shes got quite a temper

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